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Balancing Key Talent, Competitiveness and Philosophy

Event Details

1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
via Zoom

Registration Deadline


Philanthropy Ohio members: The cost of this program is included in your membership.
Eligible nonmembers: $50

Who May Attend

Philanthropy Ohio members Eligible nonmembers
Family Foundation Midwest Webinar Series

How to Manage Executive Pay in Today’s Family Foundation Environment

Discuss current and emerging trends impacting family foundations most significantly. This session will address challenges in compensation where questions arise, such as determining disqualified persons and reasonableness for foundation executives, including family members. The panel will also answer questions addressing key topics such as how to prepare for pay transparency, determine salary budgets within the current economic climate and align your compensation philosophy to attract and retain talent. 


Jud Fisher
President & CEO
Ball Brothers Foundation

Ruth Purcell-Jones
Executive Director
Arthur Dean Family Foundation, Inc.

Emily A. West
President and Executive Director
West Foundation

This program is part of the Midwest Family Foundation Webinar Series, which is produced in partnership by Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, Council of Michigan Foundation, and Philanthropy Ohio. Members of CMF and IPA should register with their respective association

Hosted by Indiana Philanthropy Alliance



headshot of Jud Fisher

Jud Fisher

President & Chief Executive Officer

Ball Brothers Foundation

headshot of Ruth Purcell-Jones

Ruth Purcell-Jones

Executive Director

Arthur Dean Family Foundation

headshot of Emily West

Emily West

President and Executive Director

The West Foundation

headshot of Amanda Wethington

Amanda Wethington



Event Type
Register for Philanthropy Forward '24

Gather with fellow Philanthropy Ohio members and philanthropic leaders this September in Cincinnati for deep and engaged learning at Philanthropy Forward ’24! Register now for Philanthropy Ohio’s premier annual convening of Ohio funders on September 23 – 25 in Cincinnati. 


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