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Foundations on the Hill 2024

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Convene with fellow foundation leaders, staff and sector advocates for three full days of advocacy, networking, collaboration and learning at Foundations on the Hill (FOTH). Hosted by United Philanthropy Forum in partnership with Independent Sector and Council on Foundations, FOTH is our sector's largest annual public policy and advocacy gathering dedicated solely to the philanthropic sector.

Now, as a full public policy conference, in addition to meeting with legislators and government officials, FOTH attendees will be able to attend pre-conference programming, conference keynotes, expert panel sessions and several receptions.
Year after year, we have demonstrated that when advocates and leaders come together and speak to Congress in a unified voice, we can make a lasting impact by promoting a strong sector and advocating for vibrant, healthy and equitable communities across the country. At FOTH, we come together to use our voices to encourage our elected officials to support key legislation, inform them about the unique and vital role charitable giving plays in America and gain their support for the philanthropic sector.
Visit the Foundations on the Hill webpage to register, view the agenda, download resources and reserve your hotel room by Friday, February 9. Philanthropy Ohio staff will provide planning and support to the Ohio delegation participants leading up to FOTH. For questions, contact Deborah Aubert Thomas.

What you’ll take away

  • Three full days of advocacy, networking, collaboration and learning on Capitol Hill;
  • Stronger relationships with fellow attendees, advocates, elected officials and staff;
  • Informative, engaging and interactive programming and presentations about public policy issues impacting philanthropy and the communities you work with; and 
  • Positioning as a resource to Capitol Hill offices and federal agencies.

Who should attend

  1. Funders who wish to build relationships with elected officials and sector advocates
  2. Foundation staff at all levels wanting to learn about policy issues and advocacy work
Event Type
Register for Philanthropy Forward '24

Gather with fellow Philanthropy Ohio members and philanthropic leaders this September in Cincinnati for deep and engaged learning at Philanthropy Forward ’24! Register now for Philanthropy Ohio’s premier annual convening of Ohio funders on September 23 – 25 in Cincinnati. 


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