Using Peacebuilding to Improve Funder-Nonprofit Collaboration Program Recording
Develop peacebuilding skills to enhance your funder-nonprofit collaboration in this Midwest Partnership Series program recording.
Develop peacebuilding skills to enhance your funder-nonprofit collaboration in this Midwest Partnership Series program recording.
Learn how to debunk common myths that could hinder your foundation's advancement of equity in this Midwest Partnership Series program recording.
Hear how the America 250 – Ohio Commission is partnering with communities to celebrate our history!
Learn how care coordination can improve health outcomes in this program recording.
In the final session of the 2024 Nonprofit Summer Learning Series, gain a deeper understanding of why donors give and how nonprofits can raise more money, which are key ingredients for long-term success and strategic impact.
The August Democracy Table focused on voter access and rights with presentations from the Ohio Secretary of State's Office, League of Women Voters' of Ohio; and Seasongood Foundation and the Joyce Foundation discussed their democracy-building work.
The August Education Policy Table focused on how the workforce fits into the Department of Education and Workforce’s new structure and Deaconess Foundation's work to support career pathways and workforce development.
The August Housing Policy Table featured presentations on Funders Together to End Homelessness’ new Policy Framework and Ohio Access to Justice Foundation's work to increase affordable housing stock.
The August Health Policy Table featured presentations on the new Ohio Department of Children and Youth's priorities and bi3's work to reduce maternal and infant health disparities.
Gain practical leadership strategies as a new or seasoned nonprofit leader in the first session of the 2024 Nonprofit Summer Learning Series.